You can locate students using the Search By Name tool and Search By Access Code tool.
- The Search By Name tool allows you to reset passwords and turn on ADA accommodations.
- The Search By Access Code tool allows you to see whether a student has redeemed a specific access code, and it also lets you deactivate a student from an access code if needed (e.g., a student is no longer in your class).
Searching for students by name:
- In the menu on the left, select Search By Name under the Students dropdown.
- Use the appropriate field(s) to search by First Name, Last Name, or Email/Username.
- Not all fields need to have input.
- You don't have to enter the full text to get a match, but you do have to accurately enter the first part. Notice below that entering "practice" in the Email/Username field pulled up an account with the username of "practice123". If "actice" had been entered, the account would not have been pulled up.
- If you enter the full name or username of your student and it doesn't pull up, try entering just the first part to see if it was entered incorrectly
- Once you have located the student account you are looking for, you can use the Reset Password button to reset the student's password to "gmetrix". You cannot have it reset to something else, but the student can change the password once they've logged in to their account.
- If you need to turn on ADA accommodations, you can select the Details icon. If you don't see the ADA activation tool on the Details screen, you will need to get those permissions granted to your administrator account, which can be done by another current administrator at your school or our support staff.
Searching for students by access code:
- In the menu on the left, select Search By Access Code under the Students dropdown.
- Enter the access code in its entirety, including hyphens.
- Under Access Code Information, you can see the following:
- How many students have redeemed the code
- How many redemptions are remaining on the code
- Whether it's active (can still be redeemed) or inactive (is out of redemptions); an inactive code is still accessible to students who have already redeemed it, but it cannot be redeemed by any new students
- When the access code will expire
- An Edit Code link, which allows you to change which content is available on the code
- Under Student Information, you can see the following:
- The access code that you searched for and is redeemed on their account
- Their first name, last name, username, and email address (this is helpful if you couldn't find the student while using the Search By Name tool so you can see what they have for these values)
- Status (Active means they currently have access to what's on the code; inactive means they can no longer access the code content)
- Expiration date of the access code (after this date, the student will no longer be able to access the content on this code)
- Selected status; when you select a student account, you can disable it (deactivate it from the code) or enable it (reactivate it from the code); this is helpful when a student leaves your class and you don't want them to have further access to the content
You will only be able to search for student accounts that have already redeemed an access code from your organization. The access code acts as the link between their account and your organization, so if they have not redeemed an access code yet, you will need to contact to locate their account and reset their password.