The symptom is when The Student Panel throws an error "The XED Server returned the following error: Group with the external identifier ###### does not exist"

That means that when the Access Code or Classroom was created on the Admin side, there was an error Syncing the code with the XED system. the Admin panel will throw an error when that happens, but if the Admin ignores it and distributes the code anyway, the Student panel will throw that error. 

Here's the fix: 

  1. First, log in to Manage with your SA account.

  2. Go to the following URL

  3. Put the XTID and XPID from the Error message in that URL, and hit it. that'll return gross looking string. 

    1. If it looks like this (bold and underlined part is the important part), all is well:

      1. {"Successful":true,"Data":{"Done":true,"Id":0,"IsMixed":false,"Message":"done","ExtraMessage":"Group Created, original State: {\"ExternalPartnerId\":\"95889323-48a8-4f5a-8b06-a58a359b0186\",\"XEDId\":null}"},"JsonRequestBehavior":1}

  4. If it says anything else, please make the ticket like normal, but include the full message that URL returned as well, so i can start troubleshooting with that step already done! ?