You can integrate GMetrix with Canvas using Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). With the LTI 1.1 integration set up, students can access GMetrix content within Canvas, and grades will automatically pass back between both platforms.


Notes and Compatibility

  • You will need access to both Canvas and the GMetrix Administrator Portal.
    • Note that your Canvas account must have permission to manually configure external apps.
  • For in-app tests, ensure that students download the GMetrix Skills Management System (SMS).
    • Be aware that certain exams only support SMS for Windows.
    • Tests such as Adobe, AutoCAD, and MOS are not available in the macOS version of the app (SMSe).

Setting Up the Integration

In GMetrix

Before setting up LTI in Canvas, gather the necessary information from the GMetrix platform. You will need your Classroom Code and LTI credentials. Additionally, you will need the resource key for each Course or Practice Exam you want to add in Canvas.

Step 1: Find Your Classroom Code

Each Classroom in GMetrix has a unique Classroom Code. You will need this code to add your Classroom to Canvas.

  1. Sign in to the GMetrix Administrator Portal at
  2. In the sidebar, choose Classrooms.
  3. Find the Classroom with the code you need, then click or tap the Details button next to it.
    • The code is located below the tab bar in the Classroom details.

Step 2: Get Your LTI Credentials

LTI credentials are unique to each institution or testing center. For instance, each school within a district requires its own key and secret. Ensure you have the correct credentials before integrating the platforms.

  1. In the sidebar, choose Dashboard. Scroll to the “Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)” section and click or tap “Resources Key lookup.”
  2. Click or tap Request LTI Key and Secret.
  3. Your testing center’s unique credentials will appearScreenshot of the LTI credentials and button to request them.
    • Key: The “consumer key” used in Canvas for authentication.
    • Secret: The “shared secret” used in Canvas for secure communication.
  4. Each Course and Practice Exam has its own unique resource key. Find these keys in the tabs below the Request LTI Key and Secret button. Gather the keys for each Course or Practice Exam (test) you want to add:Screenshot of the different keys.
    • Course Keys: In the Course Keys tab, expand a category to see its GMetrix Programs. Course Keys are listed next to each Program.
    • Test Keys: In the Test Keys tab, expand a category to see GMetrix Programs. Expand a Program to find available Practice Exams and their Test Keys.

In Canvas

After gathering the necessary information from the GMetrix Administrator Portal, you can use it to complete the integration in Canvas.

Step 1: Integrate GMetrix with Canvas

  1. Sign in to Canvas and open a course.
  2. In the Course Navigation menu, choose Settings.
  3. In the Apps tab, click or tap the View App Configurations button.
  4. Click or tap the Add App (+ App) button .
  5. Change Configuration Type to Manual Entryand enter the following information:Annotated screenshot of the Add App form.
    • Name: Enter a unique name for your app, so you can tell it apart from other apps you create (e.g., Photoshop Training 1).
    • Consumer Key: Enter the Key you got from the GMetrix Administrator Portal.
    • Shared Secret: Enter the Secret you got from the GMetrix Administrator Portal.
    • Launch URL: Enter
    • Privacy Level: Change to Name Only.
    • Custom Fields: Enter the information below, replacing classroom_code with your Classroom Code and resource_keywith your Course Key or Test Key:
  6. Click or tap the Submit button.
  7. Repeat these steps for each Course or Practice Exam (resource key) you want to add to a module.

Step 2: Create and Add GMetrix Content to a Canvas Module

For grades to pass back seamlessly between both platforms, you will need to add

and configure an assignment in Canvas.

  1. In the Course Navigation menu, choose Modules.
  2. Add the assignment to an existing module, or create a new module.
    • To create a new module (optional): Click or tap the Add Module (+ Module) button in the upper right of the page.
  3. Click or tap the plus sign (+) in the upper-right corner of the module you want to use and configure the following:Screenshot of the module options.
    • Add Assignment: In the pop-up menu, choose Assignment.
    • Create Assignment: From the list, select [ Create Assignment ].
    • Assignment Name: Enter a name for the assignment.
  4. Click or tap the Add Item button.
  5. Find the assignment in the module list and open it.
  6. Click or tap the Edit button in the upper right and configure the following:
    • Display Grade as: Choose whether to display the grade as points or a percentage.
    • Submission Type: Choose External Tool.
    • External Tool Options: Click or tap the Find button next to the URL field. Select a tool from the list, then click or tap the Select button.Screenshot of the available app search.
    • Load This Tool in a New Tab: Keep this checked to ensure the Course or Practice Exam loads in its own tab.
  7. Click or tap the Save & Publish button.
  8. Repeat for each Course or Practice Exam you want to add.

Testing the Integration

  1. Click the View as Student button in the top right of the Canvas course.
  2. Open the assignment and click or tap the button to load in a new window.
  3. If successful, the GMetrix Student Portal will open in a new window, and the GMetrix Course or Practice Exam will appear.

Notes and Reminders

When adding a new module, remember to publish it. Students can't view modules that aren't published.

When a student completes a Practice Exam, the score will be passed back from GMetrix to Canvas. Canvas will display the score based on the criteria in the assignments settings.