If you don't already have some Classrooms set up for you, then you'll want to create some. We recommend creating "Classrooms" in the platform that correspond to individual classes that you have in the real world.

If you're using GMetrix across three periods in a high school, then you would want to create three Classrooms, one for each period.

To start:

  1. Log into the Administrator Panel at manage.gmetrix.net

  2. Click on Classrooms in the left menu. 

    • If you are an Administrator for more than one Organization, you will need to select the Organization you are creating access codes for. The toggle for this can be found at the top of the Screen. 

  3. Click on New Classroom

  4. Give your new Classroom a Name. This name will be how you find the Classroom in the future. A good example would be something like "First Period – MS Office".

  5. You may set the Max Students if you want to limit the number of students that can be added to the Classroom.

    • NOTE: All Classrooms are limited by the number of redemptions available on the license. So, if a Classroom is leveraging an Access Code and there are only 30 redemptions left on the license for that Access Code, then only 30 more students may be added to the Classroom.

    • The number of redemptions on the license will always supersede the Max Students value. For example, if there are only 30 redemptions left, and you try to enter "50" into the Max Students field, only 30 students will be allowed to be added to the Classroom, not 50.

  6. Instructors are individuals that have EDIT permissions for a Classroom.

    • As the creator of the Classroom, you are automatically added as an Instructor for the Classroom.

    • Add any other users as Instructors that you want to give EDIT permissions to by clicking on the "+" button.

    • You'll be shown a list where you can search for and select the users that you want to add as Instructors. Click Add # Instructors to add those user(s) as Instructors.

    • Finally, you may add a Description to the Classroom to help give you and other users more context on what the classroom is being used for.

After you've added all the details for your Classroom, click Create Classroom to make the new Classroom.